Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Squeaky clean

Written by Simon Puttock; illustrated by Mary McQuillan
2002  Little Brown 

What’s worse than three little dirty pigs that need to take a bath? Three little pigs that continue to get dirty just to take a bath! Mama pig entices her little piggies by adding bubbles and rubber duckies to the bath water. Once in, the piggies have so much fun! They love taking a bath so much they want to sneak out and get dirty just to take a bath again. Poor mama, will she ever get time to take a bath herself?

Every parent knows how hard it is at times to get their little ones in the tub. Squeaky Clean is a great way to show children just how fun bath time can be especially if you want to do take a bath more than once a night! This is a wonderful book to add to storytimes dealing with hygiene or bath time.

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