Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Milo Armadillo

Written and illustrated by Jan Fearnley
2009  Candlewick Press 

Tallulah just wants a pink fluffy rabbit for her birthday just like the rabbits everyone else has but the toy store and the pet store seem to be out. Grandma says she can knit one and although she tries, she ends up making a surprise stuffed animal that is pink and many other colors too since she ran out of pink yarn. The animal is Milo Armadillo. Not happy with her gift, Tallulah knows that Grandma has worked very hard to make Milo but is unable to hide her disappointment. Milo wants to be accepted by Tallulah but is unable to change into a pink rabbit and therefore returns to Grandma for her to fix. When Tallulah realizes Milo is missing, she is so sad and finally realizes how wonderful Milo is and catches Grandma before Milo is changed into a pink rabbit.

A beautiful story of friendship is equally beautiful in illustration. Pages filled with mixed media of watercolor, fabric, and yarn tells the story alongside a straightforward narrative.

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