Monday, November 29, 2010

Baby Einstein-World Animal Adventure (DVD)

         Released in 2009 by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, this DVD offers toddlers insight into the world of animals of the seven different continents.  A narrator with a soothing voice initiates each segment by naming the continent that is highlighted by an outlined image of the continent itself. Animals popular to that land are shown in beautifully filmed segments that include the animal in action form with the name of the animal in clearly written font. The narrator also states the animal’s name twice. Dramatic, culturally related music accompanies the filming along with the well-known puppetry of Baby Einstein’s animals. The film concludes with the “Walk like the animals” song and children dancing and acting out like the animals.
            The 35 minute movie is vibrant and broken into segments to retain a toddler’s attention and stimulate cognitive learning. There is also an option titled “Grow with me” that encourages association by posting a picture of an animal and the name of the animal.
            The DVD cost is anywhere from $20 to $15 and can be purchased through most major retailers. Overall, a good learning tool but can be better promoted when watched together with a parent/caregiver to aid in building some of the six early literacy skills: vocabulary, print awareness, letter knowledge, narrative skills, and phonological awareness.

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