Tuesday, November 30, 2010

National Geographic Little Kids (Magazine)

National Geographic Little Kids Magazine is a bimonthly publication intended for toddlers, ages three to six. Published by the National Geographic Society, the cost for a year subscription is approximately $15 for six issues. This magazine is also a recipient of the 2010 Parents’ Choice Gold Award.
Every issue contains photographs, illustrations and stories about animals and their environments. Activities, games, crafts and pull-out trading cards are also included in each issue. Some issues include segments on cooking and science. While the photographs will interest the youngest of the intended age bracket, the activities and games seem to be better suited for the older set. As well, the construction of the magazine is not as heavy duty for the typical battering of young children. Overall, this is a terrific educational resource due to the photos and information written but probably not the best choice for young children in light of expense and construct.

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